Hidralia participates in the 1st International Conference on the Circular Economy of Water organized by the Forum for Peace in the Mediterranean

In the event, organized by the Forum for Peace in the Mediterranean, Unitar and Cifal, participated the general director of Hidralia, Matilde Mancha, and the director of Sustainable Development and Innovation, Gustavo Calero, focusing on the Development Goals Sustainable (SDG)

Hidralia has had a relevant role in the I International Conference "Circular Water Economy", which took place this morning at the Royal Mediterranean Club of Malaga and has been organized by the Forum for Peace in the Mediterranean and Unitar and Cifal, entities linked to the UN.

Hidralia participates in the 1st International Conference on the Circular Economy of Water organized by the Forum for Peace in the Mediterranean


There, the company that manages the integral water cycle in various municipalities of the Costa del Sol has been represented by its general director, Matilde Mancha, and its director of Sustainable Development, Gustavo Calero, who have focused their interventions on the transformation of the Corporate Social Responsibility in Sustainable Development, the circular economy and, above all, how Hidralia contributes to the achievement of the SDGs.

Matilde Mancha has addressed the Sustainable Development Goals from four fundamental axes: People, Planet, Prosperity and Alliances. Within this speech she has valued the mechanisms of social action that the company has to guarantee access to water for all people, as well as its environmental and innovation measures to boost the circular economy, with the South Biofactory of Granada as a reference. In addition, she has also highlighted the importance of collaboration between public and private entities in order to achieve these objectives.

For his part, Gustavo Calero has focused his presentation on the importance of the circular economy in a climate emergency context like the one we live in. This paradigm shift of the linear economy of using and pulling towards the circular economy, based on the reuse of resources, means competitive advantages “for companies, institutions, entrepreneurs and the country as a whole, making it therefore essential to carry out a faster and more efficient transition towards a sustainable economic model in Spain ”, according to his words. Among the examples offered by Calero, the recharge of aquifers that is carried out in Aloha, in Marbella, and which, among other benefits, has to do a better demand management by storing water in non-summer time for use it in summer, when demand increases.