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Memoria I+D+i 2019

Memoria I+D+i 2019

In an environment as volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous as the one we live in, a clear and decisive commitment to research, sustainable development and technological innovation is essential when facing global and complex challenges such as climate change. or the alarming and progressive scarcity of natural resources as precious as water. In this context of growing complexities and uncertainties, there are great opportunities for those who, like Hidralia, want to continue growing and providing global value from the local, through an open and collaborative strategy.

Throughout 2019, thanks to the agreements and collaborations established with a wide set of strategic partners from both the public and private sectors, from Hidralia we have promoted the development of 30 R & D & I projects, in areas as diverse as the economy circular, efficiency in the management of water resources, the fight against climate change, smart cities or social innovation.

We want to highlight how the Andalusian Network for the Fight Against Climate Change (REDAC), an initiative promoted by Hidralia with the support of the UGR, in just 12 months has been able to bring together more than 550 public and private entities of all sizes and sectors , with a common objective: to be willing to share knowledge and good practices in mitigation and adaptation services in the face of this serious problem.

Access the 2019 R + D + i Report here.